The YouLess is a kWh meter to ethernet bridge, which detects the turns of the rotor disc or LED-pulses of an electricity meter. These turns or flashes are proportional to a certain amount of electric energy used. This information is being logged and can be sent to a website like [Bidgely]. It can also be queried from a networked device on the local network (via http) to get real-time power consumption.
Data format
For local queries (via http) there is a number of data formats available:
Plain text
Page "a" (e.g. ) will return some data in plain text:
4456,980 kWh 457 Watt 0% OK (13)
JSON format
Page "a?f=j" will return this info plus some extra in JSON format:
- cnt: counter in kWh
- pwr: Pwer consumption in Watt
- lvl: moving average level (intensity of reflected light on analog meters)
- dev: deviation of reflection
- con: connection status
- sts: Time until next status update with online monitoring
- raw: raw 10-bit light reflection level (without averaging)
Historical data
The source of page "R" contains some links to pages with historical data. For example, "V?m=1" will show the kWh values for januari in plain text and "V?m=1&f=j" will display this in JSON format.
{"un":"kWh", "tm":"2012-01-01T00:00:00", "dt":86400, "val":[" 0,000"," 7,200"," 8,000"," 8,200"," 6,600"," 7,900"," 8,600"," 10,600", " 6,200"," 7,000"," 8,200"," 5,100"," 8,900"," 5,900"," 7,300"," 7,400", " 6,900"," 12,200"," 6,700"," 8,500"," 7,100"," 7,700"," 1,300"," 8,500", " 5,500"," 7,700"," 7,500"," 10,200"," 8,100"," 6,300"," 4,100",null]}
This sample (output without newlines) contains the following information:
- unit: kWh
- start time: 2012-01-01T00:00:00
- delta time (time between samples): 86400 seconds (1 day)
- an array with values for each (recorded) day (array is null-terminated)
Cacti script
For logging purposes like Cacti, a script only needs to output a number on one line. This will just do that:
#/bin/bash wget -q -O - |grep kWh|sed s/\ kWh//|sed s/\,/\./|sed s/^\ //
This will output something like this: